Sport Car Pictures

sport car
sportcar picture
sports car
A private Vehicle is a transport to do any activities. But a vehicle can be tool to fight in racing arena are like car pictures above. Before, they could be ordinary car on street. With a good modification by a car designer, those cars become sport cars that will be ready to come in racing car arena.
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Challenge on the Next City

gem cars

GEM e2 electric cars – under $10k.

One of our readers points out that cutting carbon footprint at home, getting rid of the car, and emphasizing walkability is all well and good if you’re mobile, but what if walking is a problem? Sit home and mope?

While talking about automated mobility may be a slippery slope in the next city, let’s take a look at what’s out there. Actually we are now beginning to see the production of quite an array of electric vehicles for the next city (and without a $25 billion federal subsidy…).

We have many qualms. Though some are very inexpensive, small, and light, they are certainly not built with sustainable materials in sustainable ways – and none of the manufacturers is touting the cradle-to-cradle nature of their production (recycled, recylable, renewable) – but it strikes us as better than a Hummer, by some margin.

smart car electric

Electric Smart car. Just another car in a smaller package, or a new way of thinking? $35k.

Our favorites are the littlest, the lightest, and smallest. Kind of like golf carts that are enclosed. These are the ones that allow for local urban mobility without pretending that we can commute for two hours one-way, or make a weekend run from DC to Boston. For that, in the next city, we’ll need something else – not cars – like trains. If the next city is to be about people, and local life, and neighborhoods, and sustainability, and not cars and all their attendant destruction, then thinking really small seems like the only way at all.

start lab open street

Startlab’s Open Street model. A bit more than $22k.

There is one available soon, supposedly, called the Tesla. Hard to suppress a laugh at that name… Anyway, the manufacturers claim over 200 miles between charges and a top speed of 125 mph. Cost is north of $110 grand. This sounds more like substitution than rethinking – greenwashing if you will. Here we can see what we can do, but not necessarily what we should do.

Tesla electric cars

Tesla: 0 to 60 in just over 3 seconds, top speed 125 mph.

Anyway, dear reader, there are options for those with mobility challenges, options that permit participation in the next urban life without pumping breathtaking amounts of carbon into the air. In the end though, these little electric devices need to be coupled with a new way of making our communities – destinations within your neighborhood that are just a few blocks away, not across town or out in the suburbs. For many, even city dwellers in most cities in this country, walking a half mile or a mile doesn’t get you to the garlic you need, or the trattoria where you want to be. This must be the highest priority as we reshape the places where we live and work. Mr. Kamen, we need a two-door Segway with wipers and a heater, please.

yellow electric car

Myers Motors NMG (no more gas) one seat electric car – a tricycle. $30k.

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Steps to Filing Your Auto Insurance Claim

Getting Paid on an Auto Insurance Claim Steps to Filing Your Auto Insurance Claim, part Your Auto Insurance Claim,Evaluate Your Auto Insurance Claim, Fill out Your Auto Insurance Claim,getting your car fixed on Your Auto Insurance Claim
  1. Evaluate whether or not you should file a claim: Did you know that just when you call your insurance company with a question about possibly filing a claim it is often recorded on your insurance record? It is important to keep your insurance record clean and one way is deciding whether or not you should file a claim. It doesn’t matter if the accident is your fault or not, you should ask yourself first if you can pay for the damage. Simply put, if you can pay for it yourself without financial hardship, don’t file the claim.
  2. Fill out your What to do After an Auto Accident Worksheet: This worksheet, which when you click on the title is provided for print-out, will help you keep track of the information you will need to file your auto insurance claim. It is important to get every detail of the accident documented and to try to find witnesses that would be willing to talk to your insurance company to back-up your story.
  3. File the claim ASAP: You will want to file the claim as soon as possible with your insurance company. Even if it is not your fault, your insurance company will handle the claim process as your advocate.
  4. Prepare for a possible call from the other insurance company: If there is a dispute between the two parties in the accident, you may get a call from the other driver’s insurance company asking for your version of what happened at the accident scene. If this happens make sure you document everything you say and the name of the customer service agent you talked too.
  5. Finally, getting your car fixed: If you had body damage to your vehicle this is when you will finally get it fixed. After your claim is approved, you will likely get a call from your insurance company about sending an insurance adjuster out to assess the damage or asking you to send your car to a pre-approved shop to get it fixed.

Sooner or later it happens to nearly all of us. An auto accident. You do all the right things at the accident scene. Then you made a few phone calls to get the insurance company to get the claims process started. Now it's about time for the payoff. Who's going to repair your car and how much will the insurance company pay? Let's see if we can't negotiate a fair deal for ourselves.

In most cases you'll need to get an estimate of what it will cost to repair the damage to your car. Remember that your goal is to get your car repaired properly so you won't have problems later. The insurance company's goal is to pay you as little as possible. They may suggest that you to use their 'convenient drive-in claims adjuster'. Or perhaps they'll use a quote from a local repair shop that gets lots of business from them.

Don't go for it. In either case the person providing the estimate is loyal to the insurance company. They have no reason to try to satisfy you. Find a shop that has your confidence. The dealer that sells that make of car is probably the best if they have a repair shop. You may want to get estimates from a couple of different shops. That's your choice. Check your policy. It rarely requires you to go to their shop or to get more than one estimate.

What happens if your car isn't driveable? Then have it towed to the shop of your choice. It's cheapest to do that right at the time of the accident. It's good to have the shop's name and address already available in your car. By having the car to the shop of your choice you've forced the adjuster to play on your home field. He has to respond to their estimate. On the other hand, if the car's in your driveway he can offer to have it towed to his favorite low cost shop. Then he'll have all the advantage in negotiating the price of the repairs.

OK, you've agreed on a shop and the work is completed. So it's just a matter of picking up the car. Right? Wrong! This is your last real chance to get the job done to your satisfaction. The insurance company will have named you on the check. You will be required to sign the check or a repair order stating that the work is completed. You may also need to write your own check to the repair shop for the deductible.

Don't sign off until you've thoroughly inspected the car. And I do mean thoroughly. Look at the bodywork under bright lights. Sunlight is best. Look at the car from all different angles. Is the sheetmetal straight? How's the paint? Try all the doors, windows and anything else that moves in the repaired area. Make sure that nothing is binding or crooked and that everything is properly aligned. Take it for a test drive. It should run and sound like before the accident. No new rattles. Make sure you understand your guarantee. If something goes wrong later you'll be dealing with the repair shop, not the insurance company.

If you've been forced to use a shop chosen by the insurance company, be especially careful to inspect the car. In fact, you probably would be wise to 'drop in' once or twice during the repair to actually see what's happening. Ask to see all the old parts that they were going to replace. They could save some money by repairing a molding or other part instead of buying a replacement part. All shops are not dishonest, but some are.

Suppose that your agent calls and says that you car is a total loss. They want to cut you a check for the value of the car and you just give them the car and title. There are two potential problems. First, your car was worth more to you than anyone else. That's why you were still driving it. Second, how do you determine what the car's worth?

The adjuster will probably use the Kelly Blue Book. They might also include classified ads for similar cars to come up with an offer for your car. Expect them to offer you the 'wholesale' value. That's what the dealer would pay for the car before they add their profit margin to sell it to you. Naturally, you'll end up paying retail. Shouldn't your payoff be at retail?

How can you get a higher price? By shopping! Go to a number of dealers. Read the classified ads for comparable cars. Make a list and give it to the adjuster. If that fails, ask him to find a replacement car for the amount he's offering. He's the one that says it's out there. Let him prove it.

Now's the time that homework pays off. Was your car a low mileage vehicle? That's worth something. Did you keep maintenance records to show that the car was in above average condition? Do you have any pictures or other evidence that your car was a 'cream puff'?

And don't forget to add in the cost of tax and title. In some places it can be 6 or 8% of the price of the car. In almost all cases that will be hundreds of dollars.

Hopefully, you won't ever need to settle an auto accident claim. But, if you're ever in an accident, knowing how to deal with the insurance company is essential. They expect you to pay your premiums faithfully. It's up to you to make sure that they pay properly on your claim. Nothing that the average driver armed with a little knowledge can't do.
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Choosing the Best Auto Insurance Company – Best Rates and Best Customer Services

Typically, new auto insurance buyers tend to choose the lowest cost provider, assuming that most providers are essentially the same. As they become more experienced, and after having made a claim or two, they become more wise to other factors that determine a good car insurance company.

Selecting the best auto insurance company – best rates and best customer service
People use different criteria for choosing an auto insurer. Some base their decision on the opinions of friends, some on marketing and advertising promotions, and others simply on the cost of premiums.
Eventually, most automotive insurance buyers place the most importance on how companies treat them after filing a claim. Low premiums become much less important if a company won't pay when they should, or immediately raises rates after an accident.
What's the problem?
Many thousands of auto insurance customers are happy with their insurers. A significant number of people have been with the same insurance company for 15 years or more. However, other customers don't find their companies very satisfactory. The most frequent complaints that customers have with car insurance providers are:

* Refused claims
* Slow settlement process
* Unsatisfactory payout on claims
* Feel forced to use insurer's repair shop
* Poor repair quality
* High premiums
* Company raised rates after accident
* Lack of personal attention or compassion
* Billing, policy, and other non-claim issues

Unfortunately, most of these problems don't surface until after a claim has been filed, when it's too late to find another company. That is why it is important to do your homework before selecting an insurance provider.

If you have been involved in an accident and are being sued or are not satisfied with your insurance company, you may need to get help from an accident attorney. See our article: How to Find an Auto Accident Lawyer.
How to choose the best car insurance company
There are a number of ways you can go about choosing a good insurer.

Research consumer opinions - Consumer Reports magazine frequently surveys readers on auto insurance companies. The last large survey results were reported in the March 2006 issue. The survey measures overall customer satisfaction and claim problems. Of the 27 companies reported, satisfaction score differences between the best company and the worst company was only 16 points out of 100. This is hardly enough of a difference to make for a solid decision choice based on this information alone. Find the report on Consumer Reports' web site (a subscription fee is required) or look for the magazine at your local library.

Browse online forums - Consumer forums and automotive discussion boards often have sections in which car insurance is discussed. These sources change frequently and the quality of the information can vary widely, so don't use this as your only research source. Remember that people who have experienced problems are more likely to post comments than those who don't have problems.
Ask repair shop managers - Nobody knows about car insurance companies any better than body shops that have to deal with them. Ask the owners or administrative managers of accident repair shops about which insurers are the best to deal with – which are the least trouble when settling claims and paying for proper repairs. We've seen body shops in which auto insurance company ratings were actually posted on the wall in the waiting room. Don't forget your new-car dealer's body shop, if he has one.

Check state government data - Most states have departments that regulate insurance companies and and handle complaints against them. This may be the Attorney General's office of consumer affairs or it may be the office of the Insurance Commissioner. You can often find which auto insurance companies have the best and worse complaint rates on your state's website. Actually, it may be helpful to look at other state's web sites as well. Just be aware that most state web sites are not well designed or are out of date, and it may be somewhat difficult to find the information you need

Use broker web sites - Insurance broker web sites (see recommended sites below) are one of the best and easiest ways to compare auto insurance companies online. Brokers work with multiple insurance companies so that they can offer customers a variety of choices to meet their needs. It's easier than shopping individual companies on your own. Their services are free. Some of these broker sites contain comparative information and ratings.

Get rate quotes from as many companies as you can (quotes are free) so that you have plenty of data to compare. The more information you provide when asking for a quote, the more accurate your quote price will be. Many people overpay for their insurance simply because they do not shop around enough.

The absolute best, fastest, and easiest way to find the cheapest auto insurance rates is to get online rate quotes from multiple insurance companies and compare them. There is no other way that will let you get actual car insurance rates as easily and quickly — no other way.

After you choose a company
Many of the differences between car insurance companies are hidden in the details of their policies. Before you sign, make sure you read and understand these details. If you have questions or concerns, get it resolved before you sign. Later may be too late.

After you have selected a company, it's a good idea to reexamine your choice every year or two because company policies and rates change frequently. The best auto insurance company this year might not be the best next year.

If you change from one car insurance company to another, and have already pre-paid some of your premiums, your old insurance company will refund your unused premiums

Finding the best auto insurance company requires finding those with the best combination of rates, discounts, and customer service. Finding the best rates is quick and easy if you get online rate quotes and compare them.
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Guide for Saving Money on Auto Insurance

Shopping for auto insurance? The price you pay for your auto insurance can vary by hundreds of dollars, depending on your driving record, the type of car you have and the insurance company you buy your policy from. Here is a list of things you can do to save money.

Shop Around

Get at least three price quotes. You can call companies directly or access information on the Internet. Your state insurance department ( may also provide a means to compare prices.

Get quotes from different types of insurance companies. Some sell through their own agents. Some sell through independent agents who offer policies from several insurance companies. Other companies sell directly to consumers over the phone or via the Internet. The price may vary depending on the sales method.

But don't shop by price alone. You want a company that answers your questions and handles claims fairly and efficiently. Sources for finding the right kind of company include: word of mouth, i.e. friends, relatives, co-workers; your state insurance department, where you can find consumer complaint ratios by company; and consumer magazines. You can also check the financial health of insurance companies through independent rating companies.

Before you buy a car, compare insurance costs

Your premium is based in part on the car’s sticker price, the cost to repair it, its overall safety record and the likelihood of theft. Many insurers offer discounts for features that reduce the risk of injuries or theft, such as air bags, anti-lock brakes, daytime running lights and anti-theft devices.

For more information on car safety, check the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.

Cars that are favorite targets for thieves cost more to insure. For more information on car theft, check the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB).

Ask for a higher deductable

Your deductible is the amount of money you pay out-of-pocket before your insurance policy kicks in. By requesting higher deductibles, you can lower your costs substantially. For example, increasing your deductible from $200 to $500 could reduce your collision and comprehensive coverage premium by 15 to 30 percent. Going to a $1,000 deductible can save you 40 percent or more. However, keep in mind that you’ll need to have the amount of the deductible on hand should something happen to your car.

Reduce coverage in older cars

Consider dropping collision and/or comprehensive coverage on older cars. It may not be cost-effective to continue insuring cars worth less than 10 times the amount you would pay for coverage. Any claim payment you receive would not substantially exceed your premiums minus the deductible. Claims occur on average only once every 11 or 12 years. Auto dealers and banks can tell you the worth of a car, or you can look it up online at Kelley Blue Book.

Buy your homeowners and auto coverage from the same insurer

Many insurers will give you a discount if you buy two or more types of insurance from them. Also, you may get a reduction if you have more than one vehicle insured with the same company. Some insurers reduce premiums for long-time customers. But shop around carefully; you may still save more money buying from a different insurance company even with the multi-policy discount.

Take advantage of low-mileage discounts

Some companies offer discounts to motorists who drive a lower than average number of miles per year. Low mileage discounts can also apply to drivers who carpool to work.
Ask about group insurance

You may be eligible to get insurance through a group plan from your employer, or through professional, business and alumni groups or other associations. Group plans often provide substantial discounts. Ask your employer, or any groups or clubs of which you are a member, about this option.

Maintain good credit

Your credit rating may affect what you pay for insurance, so monitor it carefully. You can get this information directly from the three major credit-rating agencies (Equifax, Experian, Trans Union). There are also various Web sites that allow you to check your credit rating and provide tips on how to improve your score.

Seek out safe driver discounts

Most insurance companies offer discounts to policyholders who have not had any accidents or moving violations for a number of years. You may also qualify for a cut if you have recently taken a defensive driving course, if you are over 50 and retired, or if there is a young driver on the policy who is a good student, has taken a drivers education course or is away at a college, generally at least 100 miles away.

When you comparison shop, be sure to inquire about discounts for the following (availability will vary according to the state and company

o No accidents in 3 years
o No moving violations in 3 years
o Drivers over 50 to 55 years of age
o Driver training course
o Defensive driving course
o Student drivers with good grades
o College students away from home
o $500 deductible
o $1,000 deductible
o Air bags
o Anti-lock brakes
o Daytime running lights
o Anti-theft device
o Low annual mileage
o Auto and homeowners coverage with the same company
o More than one car insured with the same company
o Long-time customer

But don’t forget that the key to savings is not the discounts but the final price. A company that offers few discounts may still have a lower overall price.
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Auto Insurance In India

Auto Insurance in India deals with the insurance covers for the loss or damage caused to the automobile or its parts due to natural and man-made calamities. It provides accident cover for individual owners of the vehicle while driving and also for passengers and third party legal liability. There are certain general insurance companies who also offer online insurance service for the vehicle.

Auto Insurance in India is a compulsory requirement for all new vehicles used whether for commercial or personal use. The insurance companies have tie-ups with leading automobile manufacturers. They offer their customers instant auto quotes. Auto premium is determined by a number of factors and the amount of premium increases with the rise in the price of the vehicle. The claims of the Auto Insurance in India can be accidental, theft claims or third party claims. Certain documents are required for claiming Auto Insurance in India , like duly signed claim form, RC copy of the vehicle, Driving license copy, FIR copy, Original estimate and policy copy.

There are different types of Auto Insurance in India :

  • Private Car Insurance – in the Auto Insurance in India, Private Car Insurance is the fastest growing sector as it is compulsory for all the new cars. The amount of premium depends on the make and value of the car, state where the car is registered and the year of manufacture.
  • Two Wheeler Insurance – the Two Wheeler Insurance under the Auto Insurance in India covers accidental insurance for the drivers of the vehicle. The amount of premium depends on the current showroom price multiplied by the depreciation rate fixed by the Tariff Advisory Committee at the time of the beginning of policy period.
  • Commercial Vehicle Insurance – Commercial Vehicle Insurance under the Auto Insurance in India provides cover for all the vehicles which are not used for personal purposes, like the Trucks and HMVs. The amount of premium depends on the showroom price of the vehicle at the commencement of the insurance period, make of the vehicle and the place of registration of the vehicle.

The auto insurance generally includes:

  1. Loss or damage by accident, fire, lightning, self ignition, external explosion, burglary, housebreaking or theft, malicious act.
  2. Liability for third party injury/death, third party property and liability to paid driver
  3. On payment of appropriate additional premium, loss/damage to electrical/electronic accessories

The auto insurance does not include:

  1. Consequential loss, depreciation, mechanical and electrical breakdown, failure or breakage
  2. When vehicle is used outside the geographical area
  3. War or nuclear perils and drunken driving

Some of the leading Insurance Companies offering Auto Insurance in India are:

HSBC India – Auto Secure
Bajaj Allianz - Bajaj Allianz's Motor Insurance
ICICI Lombard - Motor Plans, Two Wheeler Package Policy
United India Insurance Co. - Motor Package and Liability Only Policies
The New India Assurance Co. - Motor Policy
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Types of Coverage Auto Insurance

Each person who drives necessitates car insurance. In fact, most states command it by law. When you purchase car insurance, you are purchasing what is called a policy. Your policy is grounded on a diverseness of factors admitting what kind of car you drive as well as what sort of insurance you want. compare auto insuranc policies are in reality a package of dissimilar types of insurance coverage.
The first step in interpreting an auto insurance policy is to ascertain the various types of coverage insurance companions offer. Some of this coverage may be compulsory by your state and some of the coverage may be facultative.

  • Liability - This coverage antes up for accidental corporal trauma and property indemnification to others. Injury impairments include medical disbursements, pain and bearing and lost wages. Property damage admits damaged property and automobiles. This coverage also compensates defense and court costs. State laws ascertain how much liability coverage you must leverage, but you can forever get more coverage than your state compels.
  • Collision - This coverage pays for impairments to your vehicle stimulated by collision with additional vehicle or object.
  • Comprehensive - This coverage compensates for loss or impairment to the insured vehicle that doesn't come about in an auto accident. The types of damages comprehensive insurance covers include loss caused by fire, flood, vandalism, wind, hail, or theft.
  • Medical Coverage - Pays medical expenses disregarding of fault when the expenses are stimulated by an auto accident.
  • PIP - Personal Injury Protection (PIP) is commanded in some states. This coverage compensates medical expenses for the insured driver, irrespective of fault, for discourse due to an auto accident.
  • Uninsured Motorist - compensates your car's impairments when an auto accident is induced by a driver who doesn't have financial obligation insurance.
  • Underinsured Motorist - compensates your car's impairments when an auto accident is stimulated by someone who has deficient liability insurance.
  • Rental Reimbursement - This type of coverage will compensate for a rental car if your car is besmirched due to an auto accident. Frequently this coverage has a day-to-day leeway for a rental car.
Numerous insurance policies coalesce a number of these eccentrics of coverage. The first step in picking out the compare auto insurance you desire for your car is to know the laws in your state. This will tell you the lower limit insurance you need for your car. It's benevolent to keep in mind that, just since your state may not compel extensive insurance, extra coverage may be meriting the expense.
After all, no one desires to be bewildered with thousands of dollars worth of bills because of an auto accident.Now, let's take a look at how to determine your insurance needs.

Bringing the Costs Down

There are four main components that can donjon compare auto insurance rates bolt down. See if you accrue into any of the accompanying categories. If you do, you may be able to save money on your car insurance disregarding of the appraise of your automobile.

  1. If you are awaiting to buy a car, turn over buying a car that looks benevolent to insurance companies. For instance, insurance companies be intimate what varieties of cars are prostrate to problems. They also experience what varieties of cars are most frequently stolen. If you haven't bought your car yet, find out what cars make this "good list" amidst auto insurers.
  2. Most insurance companies extend discounts for a variety of reasons - for example, estimable students, having additional than one car insured and accident-free driving are all worth a discount. Necessitate insurance companies just about particular discounts that may be uncommitted to you.
  3. Deliberate carpooling or using public expatriation to get to work. The less you use your car, the less your insurance will cost you.
  4. Finally, drive with kid gloves! Insurance companies are not happy to insure accident- prostrate drivers, so the more dependable you drive, the less you will have to compensate for auto insurance.
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HOW DO YOU GET MONEY FROM AUTO INSURANCE You will receive the fair market value for your vehicle. An insurance company is only required to compensate you at the fair market value. This may be more or less than is still owed on a vehicle if it is still under a finance note The amount still owed on any finance note has no bearing on the current market value of your vehicle. The easiest way for a layman to determine the fair market value is simply to look around at other similar or preferably same type vehicles currently for sale in your area. Look for same type vehicle with similar options, similar mileage and wear. After finding several vehicles for sale, determine the average sale price of those found. You will generally find that the amount offered will be near that average. Should your offer be less, then you should negotiate the settlement price with the adjuster. Adjusters are not paid to haggle with anyone. They are paid to follow their states Insurance laws and adjust claims fairly.

HOW DO YOU GET MONEY FROM AUTO INSURANCE Never what you owe or what it will cost you to replace it. So the answer to the problem is GAP insurance! Small amount to pay for peace of mind that pays you the difference between loan/cost and adjusters appraisals, (which start at the bottom, wholesale)The haggling is what the adjuster is paid to do, not to be fair, but to save the insurance company the most they can, they are not your pals! Wife rear ended, she's ok totalled car retail $20,000, offered $15,500

HOW DO YOU GET MONEY FROM AUTO INSURANCE You should get ACV (actual cash value)
Do your homework before settling with the adjuster. Check newspaper ads, dealers etc., to see what a car like yours, similar condition and like mileage is worth in your area. Have 3 or 4 bona-fide local examples to take with you and show the adjuster.
A new car should not be a problem unless you have over-financed.
Some folks borrow more than the vehicle is worth to pay off an old one and you are what is termed to be "upside-down", meaning you owe more on the vehicle than its worth. If this is your situation and the car is totalled, you will be paid off the value of the vehicle but not what you over-financed.

HOW DO YOU GET MONEY FROM AUTO INSURANCE Having been in this situation in WVa, the insurance people have a standrd which is used. Usually it involves the the NADA book value. The low value - a certain amount if the the engine milege is 100,000 or more = settlement. My experiance was not good as I did not receive enough to pay the vehicle loan principle, even though the loan was for less that the purchase price.

HOW DO YOU GET MONEY FROM AUTO INSURANCE Ok. So I have just been told by the Claims Agent that my car it totaled. In my case to repair the damage would cost $3500. The value of my vehicle was only $4200. If it cost more than 70% of the total car value to fix, it is considered totaled.
So now I have two things to do. 1)Check the value of my car for myself. 2) Locate what it would cost to replace my exact car in the market today.
For the first item I will use these three websites and take the best results to use as a basis for determining what I will expect to get paid from my Insurance Agency.,, and Be sure to include your milage and all your vehicle features before caculating a price with these sites. Also, always use the RETAIL price that they generate because that is what you will have to pay to replace your car in the open market.
The second item takes a little more leg work. But thankfully for the internet this process is now a lot easier. Use the website This will allow you to locate your specific car to see what people are actually selling it for. Most often is will be selling for more money than what your first step revealed.
Note: If you are having trouble locating a vehicle within 200 miles of where you live, then try and find a similar replacement vehicle you are interested and use that as your leverage.
I have been told that by law, your insurance company is only require to pay out the wholesale price of the vehicle. This is usually at least half of what the blue book value is. So don't get your insurance company mad at you, but also stick to your guns when trying to get more money to replace or fix your vehicle!

I recently had my car totalled. We got rear-ended. Based on the condition of your car, you can negotiate a little to get a fair price for the vehicle. Honestly, the insurance company has already a price in mind. They will stick to it once they have decided the price. In my case, I got almost what I was targeting for a price. You should closely look at the features of your car and ensure that the Insurance company is comparing an apples to apples comparison. The Insurance Company looks at Actual Cash Value. This is a lot of legwork required on your end. All in all, I was able to settle with the Insurance Company on the Totalled price within a month for the property damage settlement portion. Also, it is easier to negotiate with your own Insurance Company as compared to the other party's insurance company. You can negotiate with your insurance company and firm up the price. Then, the other insurance company can provide you the deductible.

I have to say that my experience of dealing with insurance company to settle my total loss case was very unpleasant. The other party's insurance company wasn't straightforward with me at all, and they were the at fault party. I know a lot of folks who work in insurance industry will disagree with me, but from my own experience, insurance company's interest is not aligned with consumers at all regardless if you're at fault or not.

I didn't buy into the "fair market value" estimate -- it's just an arbitrary number determined by a "3rd-party" authority. I challenged this number, and was able to negotiate $1000 more back.

HOW DO YOU GET MONEY FROM AUTO INSURANCE My recommendation is not to accept the initial offer from insurance company, and always negotiate. You've nothing to lose, but have a lot to gain.
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AUTO INSURANCE IN AUSTRALIA Several overseas companies have been circling the Australian market, but Progessive's entry represents by far the biggest headache for the local companies.Separately, insurance underwriters cited climate change as the most important issue confronting the industry.In South Australia, Third Party Personal insurance from the Motor Accident Commission is included in the licence registration fee for people over 16. A similar scheme applies in Western Australia.In Victoria, Third Party Personal insurance from the Transport Accident Commission is similarly included, through a levy, in the vehicle registration fee.In New South Wales, Compulsory Third Party Insurance (commonly known as CTP Insurance) is a mandatory requirement and each individual car must be insured or the vehicle will not be considered legal. Therefore, a motorist cannot drive the vehicle until it is insured. A 'Green Slip' another name CTP Insurance is commonly known by due to the colour of the pages the form is printed on, must be obtained through one of the seven main insurers in New South Wales.

Profitability collapsed last year after companies such as Suncorp-Metway and Insurance Australia Group had large payouts for a string of natural disasters, including bushfires and heavy storms.

At the same time, the global financial crisis caused earnings from insurers' investment portfolios to collapse, causing a drain on capital reserves.

Home insurance premiums are under the most pressure to rise, with rates projected to jump by about 9 per cent over the next year, according to the latest JPMorgan Deloitte general insurance industry survey.

House insurance premiums increased 10 per cent last year as insurers sought to reverse years of heavy discounting.

Car insurance premium rises are expected to match last year's 5 per cent increase.

The large number of payouts in recent years, including the more than $1 billion paid out in the wake of the Victorian bushfires, had insurers rethinking the cost of cover, said JPMorgan insurance research analyst Siddharth Parameswaran.

''The rate increases that have been pushed through are largely a reflection of re-estimation of how much these events cost and how frequently they are likely to occur,'' said Mr Parameswaran, one of the co-authors of the report.

Natural disaster payouts since 2007 of nearly $4.3 billion are more than twice the 20-year average.

Mr Parameswaran said the price increases marked ''a real turn'' in the insurance cycle after underwriters were locked in a discounting war for most of the past 10 years.

Elsewhere, compulsory third-party car insurance premiums in NSW are expected to increase by 10 per cent, rounding off the second year of double-digit gains, while Queensland motorists will be hardest hit with prices expected to soar by as much as 15 per cent, mostly due to more generous benefits.

While prices are tipped to run up, gains are likely to be tempered by competition in personal insurance, particularly among internet-based companies.

US company Progressive Direct has recently entered the Australian market, looking to snare a slice of the nation's $9 billion car insurance market with internet-only selling.

In Queensland, CTP is a mandatory part of registration for a vehicle. There is choice of insurer but price is government controlled in a tight band.

These state based third party insurance schemes usually cover only personal injury liability. Comprehensive vehicle insurance is sold separately to cover property damage and cover can be for events such as fire, theft, collision and other property damage.
Progressive Direct Insurance Co. [00649] believes there is an opening in Australia's sophisticated insurance landscape for it to explore the online-service motor insurance segment.

Progressive Direct, a unit of U.S.-based Progressive Corp. [58454], opts not to compete directly with established players in the traditional market but to gain a position among proliferating online businesses, said Simon Lindsay, country manager of Progressive Direct in Australia.

This market segment offers room to evolve in Australia, where a high number consumers enjoy the online experience for personal finance, given the country's high broadband penetration, said Lindsay in an interview.

In Australia, two major players -- Insurance Australia Group Ltd. [86837] and Suncorp Metway Insurance Ltd. [77922] -- have 75% of the market share for motor insurance. Nevertheless, Lindsay said smaller players can pursue "small yet compelling" market segments in the country.

A sound regulatory environment and stable market conditions contributed to Progressive Direct's choice of Australia as the first Asia-Pacific country in which to advance its online motor insurance business, said Lindsay. The market dynamic is suitable for international market exploration and for employing the insurer's Internet-based insurance know-how and online segmentation skills.

Progressive Direct Australia's online technology structure is being built up from scratch in Australia, based on skills acquired from parent company in the United States, said Lindsay. The model is designed to attract a growing alternative online market segment, rather than the general mass segment.

Web site technology is important to deliver quality and customer service. Lindsay said online functionality is a driver to attract customers who have not been offered the experience before.

A recent survey of Google found the proportion of people applying for car insurance online has been on the rise in Australia, with 68% applying online and three-quarters using the Internet at the initial research stage. Currently, Lindsay said the trend is to apply online for car insurance quote rather than buying the product or managing the policy online.

In the next five years, Lindsay said the trend for buying and managing online motor insurance will become more popular. Online claims management is still new in the market, according to Lindsay. The aim is to promote effective and efficient applications of the online platform as "A to Z" functions of motor insurance.

In Australia, Lindsay noted traditional motor insurers remain strong in the market, and this is not going to be changed in the short term. These traditional players launched their own online brands to attract new customer segments.

Progressive Direct's market position is "more independent" with online insurance, said Lindsay. The company recognizes a trend of rising online consumerism, hence its move to explore the segment.

In recent years, Australia's nonlife insurance sector has seen new players such as Australia Post and Virgin Money, an affiliate of U.K.-based conglomerate Virgin and supermarket Coles for the launch of car, home and content insurance
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Some ways to Save On Car Insurance

For most people car insurance is a the single largest insurance expense after health insurance. Rates are high and are forever climbing, at least it seems that way. You can save money on your car insurance premiums by following these easy to implement steps.

1. Shop Around. Yes, it pays to shop and compare. Regulatory changes at the state level may have encouraged new companies to jump into the market, thereby increasing competition and reducing rates for consumers.

2. Raise Your Deductible. A $200 deductible sounds wise until you learn that the cost for having a deductible at this threshold can drive your rates through the roof. Consider a deductible as high as $1000 to save on premiums. You can always fix minor mishaps on your own.

3. Drop Collision. If your automobile is worth less than two or three thousand dollars, consider dropping collision altogether. Sure, you will get nothing from your insurer if your car is totaled, but the savings you realize by dropping collision can be used as a down payment for your next car.

4. Look For Discounts. If your car has certain safety features, make sure that your insurer is aware of this. Older cars, for the most part, do not have air bags but if you have a model that has airbags, you will save money on your insurance.

5. Business Deduction. If you drive your car for business, a portion of your insurance costs may be deductible. Conversely, your rates may be increased if your insurer knows that you use your car more for business than pleasure.

6. Combine Policies. Purchase your homeowners, auto, and life insurance policies from the same broker and you may save on your premiums. Some insurance companies reward policyholders if they “one-stop” purchase all of their insurance needs through one company.

7. Consider Before You Buy. The Porsche Boxster may be your ideal car, but it could also sharply raise your insurance rates. Maybe a less sporty model would be ideal.

8. Driver’s Ed Course. You may have taken a driver’s education course and your insurance company has not factored that in when determining your premium. Let them know that you are a safe driver!

9. Deleted Points. If you had moving violations that were reported to your insurance company, make sure that your insurer adjusts your premium downward if several years have gone by since the occurrence. You could be paying a premium higher than you deserve.

10. Check Your Policy. If the insurer has the wrong address, town or zip code on your policy you could find yourself paying more than you should.

Reducing your car insurance costs should not be an impossible feat. By following these steps you should realize some savings the next time your policy comes up for review.
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New Editions Mazda 2

Mazda 2 front
Mazda 2 live
New Mazda
New Editions Mazda 2
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Toyota Subaru FT-HS Concept

Toyota News

Toyota Subaru FT-HS ConceptThe Toyota-Subaru Super Car Concept which was to be based off the Toyota FT-HS concept is the latest victim of the economic crisis hitting our automotive industry. The supposed FR Sports Car was going to have a 2.0 liter engine with design to optimize weight distribution.
Toyota, which has held a small stake in Subaru since 2005, was working on the FR, a co-designed 2+2 compact sport vehicle would have had an optimized weight distribution, and was speculated to have as much as 220 horse power from Subaru’s 2.0-liter four-cylinder. The project was to come to market in 2011 and may cost less than $20,000.
Well, we won’t have a Toyota/Subaru Super Car anytime soon – but all is not lost. Both companies have claimed the project is “on hold” – not canceled.
The Toyota-Subaru Super Car Concept which was to be based off the Toyota FT-HS concept is the latest victim of the economic crisis hitting our automotive industry. The supposed FR Sports Car was going to have a 2.0 liter engine with design to optimize weight distribution.
Toyota, which has held a small stake in Subaru since 2005, was working on the FR, a co-designed 2+2 compact sport vehicle would have had an optimized weight distribution, and was speculated to have as much as 220 horse power from Subaru’s 2.0-liter four-cylinder. The project was to come to market in 2011 and may cost less than $20,000.
Well, we won’t have a Toyota/Subaru Super Car anytime soon – but all is not lost. Both companies have claimed the project is “on hold” – not canceled.
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The Volkswagen GTi V 50

Volkswagen golf gti v50
vw gti v50
The Volkswagen GTi V 50
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Mini Car of Mitsubishi Concept

Mini Car
Mitsubishi Car
Mitsubishi i miev electric car
Mitsubishi " I " Concept Wallpaper
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Unique Car of Mitsubishi MMR25

Mitsubishi MMR25
Unique Car
Car Image
Mitsubishi MMR25 Wallpaper
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Opel GT

Opel GT 2007The modern definition of an athletic two-seater finds its form in the new Opel GT. As a classic roadster, it has a powerful front-mounted engine, rear-wheel drive, a cockpit with sporty instruments and a tailor-made fabric roof. With a wide stance, sleek silhouette, long, front-hinged hood and short overhangs, the proportions are typical of this class. The Opel GT also brings new charm to this genre with its own unmistakable personality thanks to its exciting shape, which contrasts sharp edges with curved surfaces to create a dynamic look, and its configuration, which enables a refined driving experience, even on long journeys. The GT's pricing is also attractive. For 30,675 euros (recommended retail price in Germany incl. VAT), customers get no less than 264 hp from the high-tech turbo engine with gasoline direct injection. Acceleration from zero to 100 km/h takes less than six seconds. The new two-seater carries its legendary name because it continues the tradition of the first Opel GT (1968 - 1973) and, like the original, competes in one of the most exciting vehicle classes.

The new Opel GT also showcases the brand's passion for dynamic cars, and the conviction that "Opel was never as young as today". This is underlined by niche models with a high fun factor, such as the Astra GTC with panorama windshield, the Tigra TwinTop and Astra TwinTop cabrio-coupés, as well as the high-performance OPC family. They enrich the model portfolio and emotionalize the brand.

The development of the Opel GT is a prime example of transcontinental collaboration within GM. It stems from the decision to expand the concern's portfolio with a compact, rear-wheel drive, sporty vehicle architecture that can be implemented globally. The first step towards realizing this idea was the Solstice concept car in 2002, followed a year later by the Vauxhall VX Lightning concept, which was conceived at the GM Advanced Design Studio in Coventry, England. Strongly inspired by the VX, the Opel GT has been adapted to the current Opel design language at the GM Design Studio in Detroit and the GM Europe Design Studios in Rüsselsheim under the direction of Bryan Nesbitt. The Opel roadster will be built at the Wilmington/Delaware plant in the USA, where its highly successful American GM sister models, the Pontiac Solstice and the Saturn Sky, are also produced.

The new GT's story is reminiscent of that of its classic predecessor. In 1968, the original Opel GT set an automotive manufacturing precedent in Europe when it became the first car to go into production after being debuted to the public as a concept study. The legendary American sports car, the Corvette, made the same start in 1953 in the USA. The new Opel GT shares some engineering characteristics with the current Corvette, such as part of the architecture.

Crisp, dynamic look with strong face

Sharp lines coupled with taut surfaces give the new Opel GT a crisp, dynamic look. Its strong face is dominated by the fender's accentuated sweep, the bold chrome crossbar with integrated Opel logo, the elongated hood with brand-typical center crease, chrome-bordered vents and bold 3-D headlamps in clear glass look drawn deep into the side panels. The GT's especially sporty characteristics include the long air vents in the hood, the grooving in the front fenders with their dynamic, Opel-typical horizontal contours − like on the Antara −, the double-pipe exhaust system and the twin air scoops behind the head restraints, which are reminiscent of designs from roadster and motor sport history. 18-inch aluminum wheels in new five-spoke design fill out the wheelarches, and emphasize the roadster character, as does the fabric roof, which completely disappears beneath a cover for open-top driving fun.

Chrome-ringed instruments in the cockpit clearly display all important information, while black piano lacquer and chrome finishes accentuate the high-tech nuance of the surface structures. These all combine with optional leather seats with visible stitching to highlight the sporty ambience. The short gear stick adds significantly to the driving fun: directly connected straight to the roadster's five-speed transmission, its short gear travel enables quick gear shifts from the roadster-typical seating position.

High-tech turbo engine with direct injection and variable camshaft phasing

The new Opel GT does not just look quick, it is quick! Its longitudinally front-installed 264 hp engine with turbocharging and gasoline direct injection accelerates the roadster to 100 km/h from a standing start in just 5.7 seconds, and up to a top speed of around 230 km/h. "When it comes to high-performance roadsters, there is no better balance between price, driving enjoyment and fun," says Alain Visser, Executive Director Sales and Marketing, Opel. There's no question about it: no other Opel has ever produced 132 hp output per liter. The new Opel GT's engine not only complements the car's dynamic look perfectly, it also far outperforms today's other roadsters and most two-seat sports cars.

High-tech features such as gasoline direct injection, twin-scroll turbocharger with intercooler, double camshaft phasing and twin counter-rotating balance shafts provide the basis for the 1998 cm3, four-cylinder engine's impressive performance data. Maximum output of 194 kW/264 hp at 5300 rpm and high torque plateau of 353 Nm between 2500 and 5000 rpm ensure plenty of power in all situations. The GT requires an average of 9.2 liters of super unleaded gasoline per 100 kilometers. Jointly developed by GM Powertrain engineers on both sides of the Atlantic, the all-aluminum ECOTEC unit is based on the 2.2-liter direct injection unit available in the Vectra model range since 2004, and on the 2.0-liter turbo induction unit, which debuted in the Vectra GTS in spring 2003.

Chassis with classic sporty configuration

For the Opel GT, engineers designed a classic, sporty configuration based on a rigid chassis, wide track (front/rear: 1543/1561 mm) and long wheelbase of 2415 mm: all four wheels are suspended from twin A-arms made from forged aluminum, the center of gravity is low, and the weight distribution of 51:49 percent (front/rear) is well balanced.
A manual five-speed transmission with sporty, short gear travel and limited slip differential provide propulsion power. A torque beam between the transmission and rear axle suppresses reactions to acceleration/deceleration effects.

While disk brakes on all wheels, ABS, Traction Control (TC) and the Electronic Stability Program (ESP) monitor safety, the driver can control the level of ESP and use of TC himself. Both systems are fully active after ignition, with the setup providing driving fun but also keeping the vehicle stable within the physical limitations. At the touch of the ESP button in the instrument panel, the Traction Control (TC) is switched off, but ESP remains active and intervenes as soon as the yaw angle exceeds certain thresholds. Two short presses change the ESP's calibration to a sportier mode and keep the Traction Control (TC) deactivated. Pushing and holding the ESP again for around ten seconds until the "ESP Off" symbol illuminates, completely deactivates ESP and TC. A short press of the button in any mode returns the two systems to their normal states, which also occurs automatically with each new engine start. A display and control light in the instrument panel keeps the driver informed about the current status of both systems.

Stiff vehicle structure with center tunnel and side members

The typical roadster vehicle architecture was designed from the beginning to meet the special demands of an open-top, two-seat sports car without compromise. The vehicle structure, which consists of hydroformed side members and a supporting center tunnel made from drawn sheet steel, provides a solid basis for the car's precise handling and passive safety. The hydroforming forging technique, in which components are manufactured from steel with the help of high water pressure, is already employed in automobile construction for chassis components in the Opel Vectra and Astra.

Only the legendary American Corvette sports car is also based on hydroformed side members. But the Opel GT also breaks new ground in another regard: the GT model family belongs to the first car line produced in significant numbers to have numerous exterior parts made using a procedure that is relatively time-consuming, but provides designers with greater creative freedom. The hood is one example: thanks to unconventional hydraulic technology − known as super forming − the long hood section with its front hinges was optimally integrated into the roadster's silhouette without a gap between the hood and fender.

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Dodge Viper SRT10

Dodge Viper SRT10 2010To celebrate the final production year of the current generation Dodge Viper SRT10, Dodge plans to deliver a vehicle lineup like no other since the introduction of the iconic American sports car in 1992.

At the heart of the 2010 Dodge Viper SRT10 remains the venerable 8.4-liter (510 cu. in.) V-10 engine that produces 600 (450 kW) horsepower and 560 lb.-ft. (760 N•m) of torque. Benchmark performance numbers, including 0-60 mph in less than 4 seconds, quarter-mile time in the mid 11-second range and 0-100-0 mph in 11 seconds flat, and a top speed of 202 mph, continue to prove how the serious, race-inspired, street-legal two-seater performs without apology.

Body style offerings remain unchanged with the availability of Roadster and Coupe models along with the ACR (American Club Racer) package. Approximately 500 vehicles will be built for the 2010 model year.

With the introduction of two new exterior colors-Toxic Orange Pearl Coat and Bright Silver Metallic Clear Coat-Dodge Viper SRT10 is now available in 12 different colors - the most regularly available choices in one model year. And with six stripe options in the new wider configuration, five different interior color combinations, four different wheel choices and three available interior bezels; the 2010 Viper SRT10 will be available in more than 7,600 combinations-the most for any one model year-significantly adding to the exclusivity of each car like never before.

New across the Viper lineup is a shorter fifth gear ratio (changing from 0.74 to 0.80) for improved high-speed acceleration and higher straightaway speeds. Acceleration from 0-200 mph has improved by 14 seconds. This improvement is a direct result of the Chrysler Group LLC Street and Racing Technology team's experience at the 12.9-mile Nürburgring Nordschleife circuit in Germany where during the lap-record run in 2008, it was found that a revised gear ratio would have resulted in higher top gear acceleration and a quicker lap time.

The Dodge Viper SRT10 channels its power through a ZF Sachs twin-disc clutch that reduces rotating inertia by 18 percent, reduces clutch-pedal effort and improves engagement feel. Transferring power to the rear wheels is a heavy-duty six-speed manual transmission.

Stopping power is another carefully developed part of the Dodge Viper SRT10 equation, with 14-inch brake rotors gripped by Brembo 44/40 dual-opposing piston calipers in the front and Brembo 42/38 dual-opposing calipers in the rear. This system results in world-class braking performance of 60-0 mph in less than 100 feet.

Interior color options for 2010 include: standard black, two-tone black and red with red accent stitching, two-tone black and blue with blue accent stitching, two-tone black and medium slate grey with medium slate grey accent stitching and the two-tone black and natural tan with premium tan Nappa leather seats, tan center console, lower instrument panel and door panels introduced for the 2009 model year. On the Roadster model, the black and tan package includes a matching tan cloth convertible top.

Dodge Viper SRT10 ACR

The Dodge Viper SRT10 ACR receives a new short-throw shifter in 2010 for enhanced driver experience and better performance. The rear wing profile and end plates are redesigned to further optimize the vehicle aerodynamics and improve rear yaw downforce. These changes combined with the new fifth gear ratio result in an increased top speed of 4 mph (to 184 mph for the ACR model).

The enhanced four-wheel independent suspension features high-performance aluminum control arms and knuckles, KW suspension with two-way adjustable competition coil-over shock absorbers with remote reservoirs.

The aerodynamic package features a carbon fiber "fanged" splitter in front and adjustable carbon-fiber wing with seven-position stanchions that allow up to an amazing 1,000 lbs. of downforce at 150 mph. Lightweight wheels, two-piece slotted StopTech brake rotors and Michelin PS Cup tires round out the Dodge Viper ACR package.

New Special, Limited-edition Models

Numerous special, limited-edition models are planned for the 2010 model year, including the Dodge Viper ACR 1:33 Edition, which will pay tribute to the new production car lap record set on Nov. 24 at Laguna Seca raceway. The unique two-tone Black Clear Coat/Red Clear Coat exterior color scheme on this model is the opposite form of the original Viper ACR. Interior highlights include piano black console bezels with red gauge highlights complemented with red accent stitching in the seats. Only 33 cars will be produced as 1:33 Edition Viper ACR models.

The 2010 Vooodoo-edition Viper ACR will feature an all Black Clear Coat exterior with a Graphite Driver's Stripe outlined in red. Only 10 cars will be produced with the unique striping on both the exterior, as well as on the steering wheel.

Additional special edition models will be announced closer to their individual introductions. Pricing on the 2010 Dodge Viper lineup also will be announced at a later date.

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Ferrari Enzo Details, Price and Review

Ferrari Enzo
The Ferrari Enzo, named after the Ferrari's owner, is a high performance sports car which is well noted for its styling features. Initially, the Ferrari Enzo cost $670,000 and only 399 units were ever produced, but due to its high demand and limited supply, the price of the Ferari Enzo increased every time someone crashes and it is currently estimated at over $1,000,000.

The body of the Ferarri Enzo is made of carbon fiber, as a result, the car is of less weight. The car features aerodynamic subsystems for better safety and performance. It is also equipped with active suspension for comfort riding in the sports mode.

The Ferrarri Enzo features a V12 engine with four valves per cylinder. The engine displacement is about 4700 cc and it delivers an output power of 660 bhp and 485 lb-ft torque. The Ferrari Enzo reaches the speed of 60 mph in 3.4 seconds and the top speed is about 217 mph. The Ferrari Enzo features 6-speed Semi-Automatic transmission and the gear shifts can be performed easily and smoothly even at higher loads.
The wheels are wrapped with Bridgestone tires and it features carbon ceramic discs with six piston calipers. The car also features Anti Braking System and power steering.
The exteriors feature the stylish body structure, headlights and tail lights. The interiors are mostly designed of carbon fiber and it features the air conditioning system, navigation system and the optional launch control.
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The Cars Mitsubishi Double

Mitsubishi Double Shotz Concept Car Picture 1
Mitsubishi Double Shotz Concept Car Picture 2
Mitsubishi Double Shotz Concept Car Picture 3
Mitsubishi Double Shotz Concept Car Picture 4
The Cars Mitsubishi Double
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Mitsubishi Eclipse Concept

Mitsubishi Eclipse Concept
Mitsubishi Eclipse Concept E front View
Mitsubishi eclipse concept e rear
Mitsubishi Eclipse Concept
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Porsche 911 Produced the Most Powerful

Porsche 911 TurboPorsche 911 Turbo Car Picture

Porsche have released their most powerful 911 to date and they are calling it the 911 gt2 rs. Its is powered by a 3.6 liter boxer engine which features two turbochargers, it accelerates from 0-100 in 3.4 seconds and boasts a top-speed of 330km/h and laps the famous German racetrack Nürburgring, in just 7 minutes and 18 seconds.

This sports car produces 620hp, thats 90 more horses than its predecessor and it also consumes 5% less fuel.

The new 911 GT2 RS stands out clearly from the other 911 models through the use of carbon-fiber- components with a matt-black surface finish, wider wheels, new light-alloy wheels with central locking and “GT2 RS” model designations on the doors and rear lid.

The interior of the 911 GT2 RS features lightweight bucket seats made of carbon-fiber and reinforced plastic. as are lightweight door panels with fabric straps instead of traditional door handles. The basic interior color is black with red elements, such as the seat center sections, the roof lining and segments of the steering wheel rim. The gearshift and handbrake lever are also finished in red Alcantara.

This car will be limited to just 500 units worldwide and will be available in the U.S. from October 2010. The price for such a great car, a hefty $245.000.
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2010 Citroen DS3, Survolt, Revolte and C4 WRC at the Goodwood Festival of Speed

Citroen DS3 GTBlue Citroen DS3 GT Car Picture

The full line-up of Citroen is ready for the 2010 Goodwood Festival of Speed. The event includes three UK premieres – the mighty 200hp DS3 Racing and two concept cars, the astonishing Survolt electric supercar and Revolte.

Citroen DS3 is powered by 1.6 litre THP engine delivering 200hp. It features integrated carbon-trimmed components and specialist motorsports equipment. The car is developed by Citroen Racing – the WRC team. DS3 will be in limited edition of just 1000 units and launched in the end of 2010.

Another car, which makes its UK debut is all-electric Survolt supercar concept. The car features performance, cutting-edge technology and luxury, all combined in nice exterior and interior. Survolt shows a bold and radical vision for the future of ecologically sensitive, high-performance cars.

At the Goodwood FoS-TECH pavilion will be exhibited the astonishing Revolte concept. The vehicle will take a part in the special low-emissions hill climb.

Citroen C4 WRC will make its appearance on the show stand. This car is a legend of motorsport history. The car have been driven by the six-time World Rally Champion, Sebastien Loeb. At its official debut in the 2007 Monte-Carlo Rally, the two C4 WRCs finished 1-2. Since its introduction, the C4 WRC car has helped Citroen secure the 2008 and 2009 WRC Manufacturers’ titles – with high expectations of a third consecutive victory in the 2010 season.
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Citroen Revolte Concept Details and Review

Citroen Revolte Concept carCitroen Revolte Car Picture

This is the Citroen Revolte concept car - unveiled at last year's Frankfurt motor show - in hitherto unseen detail.

Following an exclusive tour of the Citroen Revolt by Citroen's concept design boss Carlo Bonzanigo,'s Hilton Holloway explains: "The Mini-sized Revolte concept is the first sign that Citroen might be ready to exploit retro design as well as re-exploring the essence of 'Frenchness' in a way that might appeal right across Europe."

The Revolte is 3.8m long and is based on the same platform as the C3 and DS3, but it has non-existent overhangs and a wide track. What is most obvious are the clear references to the 2CV, through the curving shutline of the rear door, the hooped front wings and the wide, flat elevation of the rear end.

Faced with entering a new decade as the producer of an odd mix of perfectly practical superminis and people-carriers and dull hatches, Citroen clearly needs to nail a convincing new product philosophy. True, there's the DS3, but its ads make a point of it not lapsing into retro design. So what's the point of the ultra-retro Revolt concept?

"The Revolte is a small urban luxury car. The main idea, perhaps, was to express luxury in a different way," says Bonzanigo. "I see Citroen as the most Parisian of the three French automotive brands. Paris is the centre of the fashion world, so colour and trim were particularly important on this project. We didn't want to just use leather, chrome and wood, so we've used crystal."

Does this mean it's a feminine car, aimed at women? Bonzanigo only says "women like men's cars but probably not the other way round. If we went to mass production, the final car could not just be for women or just for men. But making this a very feminine car is okay for a concept."

Bonzanigo also highlights the cabin's two zones. "In the front there are hard carbonfibre race-style seats, which are combined with a cocoon-like rear cabin. The cockpit is more cold and the driver's seat like a foreign object in the context of the rest of the interior."

So is the Revolte the new 2CV or not?

"Of course it has 2CV influence," says Bozanigo. "We can now shamelessly speak about the future and our history in one breath. Citroen is ready for the next step. But this is not retro design. It contains quotations from the past. The 2CV was spartan and essential; the Revolte is rich."

Holloway concludes by admitting his confusion with the concept. "Whether it will go into production, and how it fits in with the DS3, Bozanigo won't reveal. But Citroen needs to follow in the steps of Peugeot and really get a grip on a product philosophy that successfully ties these frustrating loose ends together"
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